There are many projects that, also this year, Cavalli in Villa dedicates to children and young people,

 with a special focus on inclusivity and the extraordinary activities that disabled children also successfully carry out in the equestrian field. 

The synergies with the local schools, active in each stage, will make the horse known closely through drawing and dedicated competitions,

 while the partnerships with the Arma and with charity Foundations 

bring the presence of special events, free of charge,

 on the topics of knowledge of the environment and safety on the roads, 

which are fundamental for a more conscious and healthy life.


Cavalli in Villa promotes road safety education, with a particular focus on children.

Thanks to the collaboration with the local schools, in fact, during the various stages of the event there will be the blue bus of the Traffic Police, thanks to the synergy of Cavalli in Villa with the Gaia von Freymann Foundation.

A real school classroom on wheels, multimedia and itinerant, where road policemen become “safety teachers” for the youngest, including lessons based on theme games, movies and cartoons to learn the rules of safety while having fun.

Environmental Education Project

Cavalli in Villa also hosts in the 2023 edition a stand of the Carabinieri that will hold, in the different days, actions carried out by its Biodiversity section engaged in the 130 state nature reserves, national parks and the application of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. The public of Cavalli in Villa will get to know by going to the stand of the Arma, how our magnificent Nature Reserves are complex ecosystems, real “treasure chests” that guard a multiplicity of animal and plant species in unique habitats and landscapes, ever-changing. A unique natural heritage as the Italian environmental territory, to know and protect.


Cavalli in Villa, thanks to the close synergy with the educational institutions of the territory, will welcome at every stage the many students of the Institutes of the area, who will be involved in an artistic competition to express in a creative way emotions and thoughts evoked by the horse and the pony. The work of art of each student will be awarded in the grand finale of the initiative and will be given, to each participant, a recognition for their work. The winners of the initiative, however, will have free riding lessons at a Federal equestrian center in the area of reference.